Material Management


Control panel to set-up all inventory policies, Options to create master and many sub-groups for all created items, Options to create major material groups for easy forecasting of operational costs, Requisition Tracking.

Tools for Actual vs. Budget vs. Forecast, Separate detailed tracking of own, zero value and hired items, Periodical physical inventory option, Events log, Detailed ledger, Customised authorisation procedures, Options to include an alarm for expired materials. 

Material issuance to various project sites and separately tracking owned, hired and zero value items, Option to handle material transfers from one site to another, Track material consumption, Option to return material from site with value or without value.

Optimized price control allocation, credit management, material classification, shipping, billing, contact with suppliers and transportation. Any activity related to the supply of goods and materials can be managed through this module, including inventory control, stock rotation, suppliers and logistics management.

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